Monday, January 23, 2006

Now THAT would be a diet pill

I've been on a fairly positive weight-loss trajectory over the past few years. I credit the Atkins. But somewhere along the line, I switched from a bacon-intensive diet to something a little more healthy, with occasional rice and beans and, yes, pizza. Because as good as I feel when I am at a healthy weight, it pales when I consider a life without pizza. And my sons agree. We could eat Costco pizza for dinner every night.

The problem with eating pizza is not eating too much pizza. I'm not so good at that whole moderation thing. Which is why it's dangerous for me to even consider taking this new diet pill that may soon be taking the Claritin path to over-the-counter-ness.

Here's the story:

Basically, orlistat (the pill known by prescription as Xenical) is closer to being sold over the counter. It's a fat-blocker, and it can lead to the same problems as those special potato chips sold recently -- aka bad news for your pooper. I suppose that's a step up from destroying your heart, a la fen phen. Or is it phen fen?

Why can't they just put something on the market that gives you energy AND helps you lose weight? You know, the Judy Garland plan. 'Cause that turned out great.

1 comment:

MommyCheryl said...

Mommy want. Mommy need.