Monday, January 30, 2006

A lesbian movie that doesn't suck?

At least that's the dream. It's called "Imagine Me & You," and stars Piper Perabo. Had to look around for a while to find a trailer that didn't rely on Apple ware, which my computers tend to choke on ... but I finally found one: turned me on to this film, with an email clearly aimed at people who have bought similar movies on their site. They coyly describe similar as "relationship-based comedies and dramas." Uh, do you mean lezbo love stories? ("Kissing Jessica Stein" -- guilty!)

Also found this movie, with a similar plot:

I don't know why, but that one is setting off my suck-o-meter a bit. Which isn't necessarily that bad. "It's In the Water" kind of sucks, but it's bad in a watchable way, and the love scenes are convincing (not just the sex scenes, but the talking, and that's just as important to me).

Most lesbian movies I've seen, like a lot of indie films in general, are more earnest than anything. But I have nothing nice to say about "Claire of the Moon," the lesbian "classic" that manages to be boring, boring, stereotyped, and boring. And when it finally inspires a response, that response is a cringe. AVOID! AVOID! AVOID!

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