Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What kind of late am I?

The Denver Post broke down the seven types of tardy people. Much more interesting than highly effective habits or something like that, because "tardy" is me. But which tardy is most me?

I asked a colleague and my dear Cheryl, and their answers surprised me. But first, the seven:

Rationalizers: They deny their problem and maintain they’re late only occasionally.

Indulgers: Run late because they give in to procrastination. They lack self-discipline and moral fiber. Should join the military.

Deadliners: Get their thrills from crisis-induced adrenaline, so they almost enjoy missing planes, trains, weddings, birthdays.

Perfectionists: Tend to be female, hence the Washington Post-style neologism “inerstrogen” to describe the state of trying on five outfits, four hairstyles and three types of lipstick while in a tearing hurry.

Rebels: Time is so bourgeois. And what better way to show your contempt for society than by freeing yourself from the shackles of the schedule. Should the revolution come, they would miss it.

Absent-minded professors: They get easily distracted en route. They’re the ones who actually stop and smell the flowers.

Producers: Feel unimportant and self-medicate by overscheduling.

I was not immediately sure what I was, but I pretty quickly got at what I wasn't: I wasn't cool enough to be a time rebel. Or a deadliner (I don't thrive on stress, but I can metabolize it). I don't deny my problem, so I'm not a rationalizer. Perfectionist? Don't I have to know what the fuck a neologism is to be one of those?. And I think I'm too important to fall into the producer category.

That left absent-minded prof and indulger. Figured that was me to a T and all would agree.

But my colleague pegged me as a rebel, in about 3 seconds. I was actually honored, but I'm not sure I buy it.

Dear Cheryl said she saw me as a ... cross between a perfectionist and a producer? Hmmm. She's usually dead-on about me, so I had to consider that seriously. I sold her on adding absent-minded prof to the mix. She thinks she is a classic indulger. I think she may also be a little bit of a deadliner as well.

Either way, we're both freakin' late!

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