Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"She's really a psycho!!!" reports that A Palm Beach, Fla., woman is suing Walgreens over remarks printed on her sleeping pill prescription under "patient information": "CrAzY!!" In another field on the form, it read: "She's really a psycho!!! Do not say her name too loud, never mention her meds by names & try to talk to her when ..." She's outraged, embarrassed, etc. And I understand that, but my main thought was: Mom, when did you move to Palm Beach? I'm kidding. Mom is either in heaven or the hot place. Dad's not sure, as he made clear during a gravesite visit once. I'm not sure I believe in the hot place, and it's not like she killed someone (I think), so I'm banking on heaven. Anyway, Mom's rap tended to be a little more cloaked: "noncompliant patient." Which is, in part, while she's not around anymore.

But back to my real main thought, which was: How do I get my mitts on the patient info written about me? I get annoyed that my doc doesn't leave me with my chart when I have an appt. I love to snoop at that stuff. And I know I could request it, but I'd rather just read it upside down. Feels more like I'm getting the truth.

1 comment:

MommyCheryl said...

Oh, honey. When I read those patient notes I thought they WERE yours. Crazy. Psycho. Seems to fit, but what do I know?