Thursday, May 04, 2006

My yesterdays are all boxed up ...

That's the first line from "Always on Your Side," that new Sheryl Crow/Sting duet. It's been running through my head for days, but I'm almost afraid to listen to it. I have this dull throb behind my eyes, and I think it's a wave of tears pushing toward my eyes. But I didn't cry when I said goodbye to my P-I family today.

I told Cheryl that it was just too much, you know? Like I was too sad to cry enough to adequately express my feelings (without drowning). And yet I'm excited about the opportunities that await. All the reasons I chose Amazon over the P-I escape me right now, but that's because I just spent the day with the biggest reason to stay put: My favorite people. There are a lot of genuine, talented, smart, kind and funny folks I'm walking out on. One of them called me an "abandoner" -- as opposed to a "traitor," which is what I would have been if I'd gone to the Seattle Times (as if!).

Now comes three crazy days. Preschool tryouts, asthma walk, nephew's birthday, school fundraiser for friends. And that's all before Sunday. I'm going to try to clear my head. This is good news for the house, 'cause I like to do laundry while I think. I'm looking forward to the new gig. But right now I'm just missing the hell out of the old one.


MommyCheryl said...

I don't know why this has been so hard for me. It's not like I'm leaving a job and people I love. But it's sad. I keep wondering if we're doing the right thing. And of course, I know we are. Or at least I hope we are. But I can't imagine anyplace else will ever feel quite as much like family as the PI.

There is, to be sure, a special quality about a newsroom and the relationships formed therein. Perhaps because I've already experienced that withdrawal I'm a bit melancholy about your leaving it. So now's the part where we're sad about what we leave behind. We can start being excited about what the future holds in a couple of days.

And had you gone to the Times, I would have divorced you. Not really. But I woulda given you the silent treatment.

BetterLater said...

If I'd have gone to the Times I'd have deserved whatever abuse you'd heap upon me.