Monday, May 22, 2006

First-time dumpster diving

So I decided to pay quick visit to the P-I today. Worked through lunch, got tired in the eyes and foggy in the brain, and thought I'd test my increasing facility with the bus system. And as I walked from the bus stop, I noticed something strange hanging out of an open dumpster across the street.

Please note: This was not a stinky, nasty dumpster. It was a dumpster containing office detritis, and ... wetsuits? Yup. At least 10 wetsuits on hangers and in plastic sheaths. I leaned in for a better look. They were indeed wetsuits. Ironman wetsuits. Yahtzee!

I ran down to the P-I, visited quickly, and corralled my buddy Chris into dumpster diving with me -- dumpster diving for wetsuits. Too bad they only came in sizes small and medium small. And I am size large to extra large. Bummer, man. But Chris took a couple and shared them. I'd probably have taken some too, if I'd not have had to hoof it to the bus stop, and back to the office and back to the bus stop and home.

I did, however, grab a perfectly good sandwich with only one bite taken out of it.

(Do I really have to say that I'm kidding? Suffice it to say, I like to sanitize my hands after just thinking about garbage.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I almost swallowed my Altoids gum when I read about the sandwich. What does this say about you? About me? About how much I know you loves you a free meal?