Friday, May 05, 2006

I need to work on my list ...

So I'm reading "No Opportunity Wasted," and realizing that I don't have my life list of things to do. Oh, don't get me wrong: I've got a lot of lists. They include things like folding laundry, balancing the checkbook, getting the boys to sleep, eating sugar free ice cream sandwiches, watching "My Name Is Earl" and important things like that.

But what I lack, Phil Keoghan would say, is a life list populated with things like climbing Mount Everest (that's on his list) or learning a language (for real, not like when I muddled through a year of Spanish in college). After reading that Eddie Vedder told Rolling Stone that "surfing is like no other thing except music and holding your newborn," I may put surfing on the list.

I've done music, sort of. Though I never really fronted that rock band, I did get to sing in Lincoln Center with the WSU Concert Choir (no shit!). And I've held two newborns, and that's maybe the best thing ever.

But what else is there for me? I don't ask that hopelessly: I know there's lotsa stuff. Hell, I've already done a lot of cool stuff. But what's next?

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