Tuesday, May 23, 2006

From Double Gulp to Xtreme Gulp ....

So I bought a new soda vessel: The Xtreme Gulp. It's bigger than the Double Gulp, but that includes the insulation that enables it to keep beverages cold for six hours (!). For a long, long time I held on to my Double Gulp because it was the biggest, baddest thing going. But I have embraced the XTreme Gulp because it is convenient. And, you know, not small.

Double Gulp: 64 ounces (eminently spillable)
Xtreme Gulp: 52 ounces (not very spillable at all)

It's one thing to spill a Double Gulp in your car. That means you have to sop it up as best you can, turn on the A/C to dehumidify as best you can, buy an air freshener when these things ultimately fall short and endure the snarky comments of your beloved. No problem.

But to spill one on the bus? I spilled on in the presence of the man who used to be my boss' boss' boss. And somehow still managed to get promoted, perhaps because they found me amusing. On the bus, though, that shit don't fly. At least that's my impression. So, I've embraced the Xtreme Gulp, even though it's the equivalent of a can less than its DG counterpart. I can deal with that hardship, but I have learned that life without some kind of very large drink (non-alky, except on cruises) is just a lot less enjoyable.

1 comment:

MommyCheryl said...

Snarky?? Me?? Never! (Although it's killing me not to comment on the late for the bus post, it would feel foolish to protest my snarkiness here then display it there. Mine is such a difficult existence...)