Sunday, February 19, 2006

Still no Double Gulps ...

but I did have a bit of Diet Coke. And by bit, I mean about 32 ounces worth.

I recognize that to some people 32 ounces is a lot. But I am a freak. I drink so much that people have asked me if I'm diabetic (I'm not -- I see an endocrinologist every six months, and diabetes remains a distant threat that will remain distant if I can keep my weight somewhat under control).

Oh, and for the record, when I say I drink a lot, I'm talking about diet sodas of all types, iced tea, water, etc. I don't drink alcohol very often. And that's not because I'm against the drinking of alcohol, though I don't understand why people do it so much. It's just because I don't particularly like the flavor, don't need the calories, and don't have much in the way of inhibitions anyway. So what's the point?

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