Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Son, don't do that !!! ... (now give me a high five)

So tonight I was in the laundry room and Cheryl was in the boys' bedroom reading them a story. It's a sweet scene, really, so I didn't expect to hear an anguished cry from the vicinity. So I ran in, and, oddly, there was the sweet scene I expected: Cheryl and the boys in the big, soft chair.

Then Cheryl told me that Eddie got into that chair by LEAPING FROM THE CHANGING TABLE. This entailed climbing up to the top of the changing table, which is about four feet high. So that's no small trick. Then he had to gather himself and sail across the two-foot gap between the table and the top of the chair. Cheryl was horrified. And I was, well ... impressed! And it took everything I had not to express that overmuch, 'cause, you know, it's bad for toddlers to leap from a height. Even if they seem really good at it.

Maybe I've been reading too much about Shaun White, aka "The Flying Tomato." But I'm actually kinda psyched at the boldness of my boy. Though I did rather firmly tell him that he needs to only do these kinds of things with me there.

(For an alternative take on this event from my other half, who says I was not really so firm in my words to Eddie, see: eddieandchasdiaries.blogspot.com.)

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