Saturday, February 25, 2006

A complex dirty-house avoidance plan

You could say we had a full day today .... dropped off the lawnmower for a tuneup, mailed stuff, went swimming, went to the Home Show, went to the Supermall, made nachos, fought sleep.

But there's something conspicuously absent from that list: cleaned house. Yes, the house is a cluttery mess. And Cheryl's getting nervous because the boys have a birthday party in exactly two weeks. And I'm blogging instead of cleaning. It almost makes me nostalgic for my pre-antidepressant days when I would sometimes stay up until nearly dawn obsessively cleaning the house and fretting about God knows what. Now, I sleep more rationally. And the only downside to that is a messier house.

Eddie's in his room giving his Mommy a boxing lesson, as we say. She made the mistake of saying, at about 9:30, that we should watch "Crash" if the boys go to sleep soon. Well, Chas immediately started saying "I watch 'Crash'. What 'Crash'? I watch it." Despite this interest in Oscar-nominated cinema, he only fought for about a half an hour. I was out like a light after about five minutes, but Cheryl woke me up enough to put Chas down and escape the premises. Eddie, who is on Day 5 without a goo (pacifier) is a little more restless. Still working through that self-soothing thing.

Speaking of which, I'm going to go take a swig of Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper and commence to cleaning. Since I am awake, I should put that to good use.

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