Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Rosie Vs. Elizabeth .... worse and worse

It's getting harder and harder to watch the view as Rosie O'Donnell's time on the show winds down. It just increasingly makes me sad ....

Today, apparently, the ideological differences hit a new flashpoint and it clearly went beyond politics. I think Rosie is genuinely wounded that Elizabeth is a fan of the very shows (FOX News and others) that twist her words.

I think it's not unlike the way I feel about the fact that my Dad (and brother) are both Republicans even though Republicans are anti-gay. It's difficult for me to get my mind around the fact that they can consider my wife and my sons their relatives and yet support politicians who work against families like mine.

Interesting political disagreements are one thing. But to see Rosie attacked for raising valid questions (Why did WTC Building 7 fall even though a plane didn't hit it? What makes a terrorist, and is it possible that we seem like terrorists to Iraqis?) grows tiresome.

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