Monday, May 07, 2007

My niece had a heart attack. She is not even 40.

So the good news is that it's possible to have a heart attack that's like a cramp, with no apparent permanent damage. The bad news is ... well, she could have another one, and it is possible to die from them. But the good news is that she has changed her life and taken a job that's less stressful.

Cheryl's dad died of a heart attack. He didn't realize he was having it (thought he pulled a muscle), and by the time he realized that it wasn't a pulled muscle, too much damage had been done. Thankfully, Delsa knew something was wrong and when a doctor thought he was doing her a favor offered not to do some tests (to save money, 'cause he mistakenly thought she didn't have insurance) she insisted that he do the tests. And she had taken some aspirin. And she lives to tell the tale.

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