Wednesday, June 27, 2007

That time of the month

I don't just get grumpy-style PMS, I get clumsy-style PMS. Today, the fallout was the loss of my work ID badge somewhere between the office and getting my hair cut (not too short).

I have been off the anti-depressants for a few months now and I do notice a difference around PMS time. I just feel more ... scattered. But overall, I don't miss 'em. I just need to remember to breathe and be Zen. Which wasn't easy tonight when I put the big, plastic Costco-sized container of Nestle Quik onto a burner of the stove (which I thought was off). This led to burning plastic and chocodust everywhere. AWESOME.

I just need to make it through the week leading up to my vacation without going bonkers.

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