Friday, February 02, 2007

Googling a broken foot

I'm working from home today. Here's an excerpt from the email I sent:

So I wish I had a better story, but while walking through the park and ride lot to my car last night, I misjudged a curb and abruptly met the ground. The good news is that the intense pain and swelling in my foot has taken my mind off the non-intense pain in my knee and hand. The bad news is that if I try to, say, move my foot or, God forbid, walk on it, I must loudly scream (usually obscenities). This could be disruptive in an office environment. Seriously, it's really messed up. So, I'm going to be working from home today, foot up, on ice. And possibly going to the doctor, though I think all a doc will say is that it's not broken and good luck with that.

And it's all true. I feel compelled to add this last part after getting this response from a friend of mine:

I once cranked my ankle at a strip club after I slipped on some body oil. But when I called in to work the next morning, my story pretty much resembled yours. Anyhow, I found immersing my foot in buckets of ice to be helpful.

Because my pain is so ... pain-y, I'm consulting with Dr. Google to see if I need to see a real doctor. I think I might. Cheryl, meanwhile, is dealing with the oddness of me being the one in need of medical aid. She says she's used to filling that role herself. And she has had actual surgeries and stuff (I haven't) not to mention all of the rigamarole that went into IVF, etc. But she should remember that she is the one who even got me to take medicine of any sort, from aspirin/ibuprofen on up to antidepressants. I may not usually be limping and swearing, but if it weren't for Cheryl, my medical interactions would be dominated by the influence of Grandpa (didn't see a doctor until his femur broke from cancer) or Mom (let diabetes rage untreated, and didn't start seeing medical professionals until it was essentially too late).

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