Sunday, June 11, 2006

Fondues and Fon-don'ts

So we had fondue for dinner at the Melting Pot. It's the kind of dining experience that lightens your wallet and widens your ass. Cheese, chocolate .... who needs the main course when you've got those perfect delights to bookend your experience?

We took the boys, which went amazingly well considering that 3-year-olds were not exactly made for three-hour dining experiences featuring screaming hot burners and pans in the middle of the table. Chas actually burned himself a little last year, when we first dared to brave the Melting Pot. Lesson learned, I guess.

The boys are now playing with the neighborhood kids, whom they adore. And we've had a breakthrough with the battery powered car: Eddie will now drive it. They've had it since March, but have been to afraid of it to actually use it. I guess I let Eddie drive the real car with me enough to gain confidence. (Both of those driving experiences only happen in the cul-de-sac and our driveway. And once, at the Trader Joe's parking lot.)

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