Sunday, April 02, 2006

Downloading a song without benefit of iTunes or iMusic ... or not

Remember that Sheryl Crow song I heard on the radio the other day? Well, it turns out it wasn't on the "Wildflower" album -- at least not on the version of it I bought last year. There's a new version out, with the Sting duet ("Always on Your Side") and some other songs.

And since I haven't been able to get that duet out of my mind since I first heard it, I've decided I need to own it. And hey! I can download it, for only 99 cents -- from something other than iTunes. I can get it from MSN Music.

OK, pretty easy so far. Click on her name. Get a list of songs. Sort them by title, 'cause that's what I feel like doing, but I can also sort by sales, album, etc. Some stuff is available only with the download of an entire album. And "Always on Your Side" -- the Sting version -- IS ONE OF THOSE SONGS.


What makes this worse, is that i was going to use this as a moment to gloat. But so far, I am not able to do so. 'Cause I'm not about to buy an album I've already frickin' bought!

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