Sunday, April 30, 2006

Chaos abounding

Right now is a quiet moment. The sun is shining, the breeze is breezing, the boys are playing and the wife is napping. It's a moment that contrasts sharply with most other moments in my experience of late.

Last week I quit a job I loved. Or maybe it's more accurate to say that I loved the people I worked with, the opportunity to make a difference ..... But I have a chance to do a job that I can see myself loving in the future. And the people seem cool.


The quiet moment ended hours ago. Now I'm in the bathroom with the boys, who are in the bath. Tomorrow I must face the P-I for the first of my last few days there. It was emotional last week when I first broke the news. I think it will be emotional again, as I move closer to my true farewell.

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