Saturday, April 15, 2006

Be strong, TiVo, and know I love you!

Some exciting news for fans of TiVo, the invention that's been as unprofitable as it is wonderful (i.e., VERY).

'Life or death' decision: TiVo awarded $73 million
MARSHALL, Texas -- A federal jury awarded TiVo Inc. more than $73 million in damages Thursday in a patent infringement lawsuit against EchoStar Communications Inc.
TiVo had sought $87 million in damages from the Dish satellite-TV network in a patent dispute that TiVo lawyers said could be "life or death" for the company that sold the first box for pausing and rewinding live television. . . .

Toward the bottom of the story came the interesting news that TiVo has apparently struck a deal with Comcast, aka my cable provider. Right now, I have TiVo, but not digital cable. That will eventually change, once I make the leap into high-def, etc. But not for a while. I just want to know that TiVo's going to be there for me. That's partly because I bought not one but two of those "lifetime" commitments for $350 upfront. But it's mostly because I just love TiVo.

For TiVo-related amusement, see this video (The "Real" TiVo):

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