Monday, August 28, 2006

Me vs. the Blackberries, Round 2

The battle continues. Me vs. the nasty, prickly blackberry vines. Me, armed with just my $12 snippers. (Which is pretty expensive for snippers, so I am well armed.) I talked to one of our neighbors about my project, and she looked at me and my scratched-up arms with pity. Well, she should see my cleared-out space now. I would say that I am more than halfway to victory. And I am going to remember to always wear long sleeves. I will sweat, but I will bleed much less.

My cuttings have revealed what appears to be a boundary marker for our property. And it appears that our side yard is about twice the size I thought it was. So I now have visions of hacking down the blackberries next to our parking spot, putting in a retaining wall and filling and expanding that space. As well as pushing out our house -- and still having a side yard.
I am more stubborn than blackberries. And like blackberries, I can be sweet and really, really annoying. Kinda prickly sometimes but just trying to grow.

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