Sunday, September 30, 2007

Are those clean?

OK, so I pulled the boys' winter coats out of the dryer this a.m. so they could wear them in the rain.

So knowing this, do you figure that I, ya know, washed them? Well, my wife had to doublecheck. "I hope you cleaned those," she said. Really, I was incredulous. Did she think I would plant the jackets in the dryer to fool her? "I didn't take them down to the river and beat them with a rock, if that's what you mean."

In her defense, I was raised in an environment where a brown (i.e. unbleached) paper towel put in the wrong place turned the nuclear family of my childhood more nuclear than family. So I learned how, especially as my mom got older and lost visual acuity, to fake it sometimes.

Not that Cheryl is like my mother. But I do know that I will never be as hygenic as my dear wife might want.

OK, so one time I put away dishes that had only been rinsed. But that was a misunderstanding on my part ... a completely accidental failure to understand the controls of our new dishwasher. And I got (most) of the not-so-clean stuff back into the dishwasher for a real washing.

Anyway, I DID wash the damn jackets!

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