Monday, September 18, 2006

"Sheep are insane"

So I'm spending a little time on the porcelain altar of concentration with the Entertainment Weekly fall movie guide and I come across this tidbit from Catherine Hardwicke, director of the upcoming "The Nativity Story," starring the excellent Keisha Castle-Hughes from "Whale Rider":

"Now the sheep come in," Hardwicke says, in the midst of her description of the challenges of staging the nativity. "Sheep are insane, mentally. They go into a spiraling vortex when they get agitated. It's the strangest phenomenon I have ever seen, and the most annoying."

Sheep. Yes, we put our kids on wooly spirally vortexes at the fair.

1 comment:

MommyCheryl said...

Oh. My. God. I think Eddie would concur.