Monday, October 08, 2007

A Good Place to Recycle Electronics (Seattle-area)

OK, it's a little early for Blog Earth Action Day or whatever (guess that's next week), but I wanted to share a great experience I had recycling a computer monitor and copier (desktop-sized, but still 70 frickin' pounds).

Anyway, I had to get rid of these things. And while I know it is possible to find ways to "throw them away" for free, that's just too wrong, even for a cheapskate like me. So I did a little research. (This is a good place.) But I can save you the time, and just tell you that the place to go is:

Total Reclaim (2200 6th Ave., Seattle, 206-343-7443)

They took the monitor for $10 and the copier for .30/pound. A lot of places won't take copiers, so it was handy to have one-stop shopping. Plus, it was the best pricing I've come across. Other places were talking, like, $50 to unload the copier. I did it for $24.50.

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