Friday, October 05, 2007

But Oprah's not as bad as Dr. Phil

Much better to see a very rich person go on in a somewhat out of touch way about the need for balance in life (can't argue with the premise) than to see an educated guy (Ph.D. in clinical psych) diagnosing people he hasn't met -- aka Britney Spears (suicide risk, needs to be committed). It's bad enough that he diagnoses people that he HAS met, under the bright lights and glare of TV cameras.

Does he not see that he's not helping, despite his agressive arm-waving? In fact, he's part of the problem. Too much yelling for ratings, not enough doing. At least Oprah built a school for girls in Africa. Yeah, it was done in a way that accomodated her ego, but it's undeniably changing lives for the better. How 'bout you, Phil?

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