Sunday, October 12, 2008

Star Wars: My Resolve to Wait Is Weakening

OK, just to be clear, I'm not talking about myself here. I've resolved that my boys should wait until they are 7 to see "Star Wars." That's the plan. Then they'll see "Empire," "Jedi" and the crappy ones in order, once a year, after that. And though I sounded real certain when I talked it out with Ron Moore (yeah, namedropping, don't hate), I just don't think I can hold out that long.

Tonight, Eddie showed me a poster from their Lego magazine that they've hung on their door. It's of a scene from "The Clone Wars," the cartoon movie that came out over the summer. "It looks like a good movie," Eddie says with certainty. He went on to describe the battle scene, and asked why the Jedis were fighting a guy with two light sabers. They already know who Obi-wan Kenobi is, and they know he was a mighty fighter. What will they think when Luke Skywalker goes looking for "Old Ben?" Oh, God -- what will they think when they realize that Luke has the last name as the big hero du jour, that Anakin guy???? They already worry that Anakin isn't a good guy. I have dodged answering that.
As Cheryl says, "We cannot put them in a time machine and take them back to 1977." And we cannot keep them free of the pervasive Star Wars culture. If the knock on Clone Wars is that its a kiddie thing, maybe we should just watch it this fall.

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