Thursday, November 01, 2007

Too Much Information: Bright Green Poop Edition

Something strange happened to me today (more than once). I wasn't going to blog about it, but I've been emboldened because poop is a popular topic, and bright green poop is a VERY popular topic. Or so indicates Mr. Google.

Turns out, my favorite non-carbonated beverage (grape Kool-Aid) includes FDA Blue #5. Says "Turns out that when metabolized in sufficient quantity, the blue dye combines with bile, and forms a brilliant green. The red, absorbing at a 595nm spectrum, is harmlessly eliminated."

And if you know me at all, you know sufficient quantity isn't a problem. I drink my grape Kool-Aid 54 oz. at a time, in a mug the size of many pitchers. That's how I roll. The weird thing is that I never had the bright greenies before today! Maybe it was the cold medicine ....

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