Friday, January 19, 2007

Trinity is missing!

My favorite action figure .... the last survivor of the great action figure purge of 2002 .... is, or was, Trinity. But she has gone missing, somehow lost when I moved to a new desk.

Having a window seat helps me deal with the pain, of course. (As well as the pain of losing the colleague who moved on to greener pastures -- a different store within the Big Internet Retailer universe). But I may need to get another Trinity. Unless I can find a Starbuck. Or maybe I can sub a Xena. But that's so 1997.

OK, I just checked eBay, and when I bought my Trinity (probably 6 or 7 years ago), there was only one kind. Now Todd MacFarlane (creator of Spawn and maniacal action figure maker who embraces verissimilitude to the extreme) has entered the Matrix realm and there's a ton to choose from. Sheesh.

Look at this one .....

She's falling off a building and shooting and God knows what. I like it better when she jumps in the air, time slows down and she kicks her foes in the head. But that's just me. :)

There are many, many more options. I think I'm going to go with the classic. I just need to find one with a gummed up box or something so I can get a deal -- less than $5, I'm hoping. This time around, I'm not sweating the whole "MIB" (mint in box) thing. I want her to come out and play. You know, in a grown-up, non-kinky way.

(Oh, and I will not ever buy myself a Trinity coat. Unless I weigh, like 100 pounds less than I do now and look hot in tight vinyl pants. Then, maybe ..... )

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