Sunday, July 13, 2008

Old school friends .... Jeff/Geoff edition

So last night I was spending a little time online, and decided to take a look at my high school's Web site (North Thurston High in Lacey, home of the Rams). I think it was because I've been getting a lot of those "see who's looking for you!" emails from or whatever. Anyway, after seeing that one of my high school pals is still(!) teaching at our old school (kudos to you Nani Duvall, formerly Nani Currie), I decided to google two of the boys who had been extremely important to me back in the day, starting at South Bay Elementary: Geoff Corbin and Jeff Peabody. Like their first names, they were alike but different. Both played trumpet. Both were supercute. Both were smart. They looked similar and dressed fashionably. Jeff, I think I met in second grade. Maybe it was first, when I got moved up after half a year of kindergarten (something Jeff didn't do, by golly!). Geoff, I didn't meet until 6th grade, I think, and I crushed on him immediately. Jeff and I had more of a "frenemies" relationship. I felt extremely competitive with him, yet I knew on some level that he'd win everything unless I got creative. He was better-looking, smoother, smarter in many ways, more disciplined. But I was scrappier, funnier and possibly better in sports. Not sure about that, but I'll claim it anyway (I don't remember him playing on three sports teams in high school!).

We were all in band together. Jeff and I were in the "gifted" program together. We graduated in the top-10 together. "Jeff and Steph" were frequently mentioned in the same breath, and I'd say that we had a cousin-ish relationship. Lots of shared history, a certain connection, yet some very different elements family-wise and otherwise. As we grew older, we spent less time together, though I was never truly close to anyone in high school except Lynda (Fryhover) Gould.

The passage of time for me means that I forget a lot of stuff, especially (mercifully), the stuff that might hurt. So I can look back at my time with the Jeff/Geoff duo and it's a fairly shiny thing that amuses me greatly. And when I find them online, as I did last night, I am flooded with warm nostalgia. Mostly. More on that soon.

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