Thursday, April 03, 2008

I LOVE Sound Transit ... So Why Did It Diss Me???

OK, so lately I've been catching the 5:52 bus home (specifically, Sound Transit route 577, which I have chosen over Metro's similar 177 because Sound Transit has a Web connection). The 5:52 is a later ride than I'd like to be getting, but stuff happens. Tonight, though, I actually tear myself away from the desk in time to catch the 5:35 bus. And it goes RIGHT PAST ME. I started complaining loudly to anyone who would listen, and one of those people was a black guy who said "Yeah, I hate it when they do that." I was immediately chastened, 'cause it was only my first (and hopefully last) time. Does that still happen? Do people of color get passed by like that on a regular basis, or is there just the occasional, equal-opportunity diss? I think I know the answer, sad to say.

And as you can probably tell, I am still bitter, though the driver of the 5:52 bus (which did stop) gave me a genuine and satisfying apology on behalf of Sound Transit and I'm much calmer now. Though I'm still missing my boys' T-ball practice and all the comedy that goes along with that.

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